Fair Usage Policy for Standard Plans

Our fair use policy covers up to 4TB on Pro plan. For larger bandwidth needs, please see our bandwidth plans.

See our bandwidth plans

Policy Details

For DynTube plans supporting unlimited bandwidth, we do not have defined limitations. These resources are unlimited, meaning you are not billed according to the amount of bandwidth used. While of course these resources are not infinite, we believe our customers should the resources necessary to play videos and most of our customers with personal or small business use will have enough bandwidth to meet their needs.

Our fair usage policy has been setup to support normal operation of a personal or small business use. We do require all customers to be fully compliant with our Terms of Use and utilize bandwidth in a manner consistent with the normal operation. We occasionally constrain accounts utilizing more resources than should be the case in the normal operation of a personal or small business video streaming.

For all video plans we run statistical analysis and use the results to define normal usage for each plan. We calculate the monthly normal use based on different factors i.e. storage used, video uploads, video transcoding, audience location, video plays, average watch time and bandwidth usage etc. If your account's usage or bandwidth causes any concern, you might experience slow downloading or less up time than normal. We will contact you to upgrade your plan in such a case and we may charge an overage fee of $5 per 100 GB if it consumes too much bandwidth. We may notify you for the breach of fair use policy even when this bandwidth limit is not reached depending on other factors described previously.

To give you a more specific idea, our fair usage policy has soft limits, our Starter plan has around 1.2 TB/month, Plus Plan around 2.5 TB/mo & Pro plan around 4TB/month (unless stated otherwise on the pricing page). The smaller plans have limits lower than this & it depends on the fair use of all other factors listed above. If you need higher bandwidth limits, you can simply contact us to get more info. We offer various custom plans that better address high bandwidth or large storage requirements. Please contact us for details.